Saturday, September 12, 2020

Errata for MOC 20764C SQL Administration

Mod 10  There are only 2 messages in DropMail

Mod 12 Change to AdventureWorks for Task 5

Mod 13 There are two files missing in the lab 

Execerise2.cmd and SetupExercise2.sql!Aq-u4sn7UBkqjhQlhgc2OTp31UnT?e=DDfl3z!Aq-u4sn7UBkqjhOIEqubCNTDGHmK?e=YCXzbn

Mod 14 Demo

change demo setup:

REN "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.SQL2\MSSQL\DATA\master.mdf" "master.AV0001"

Mod 15 Add the  ^ to the bcp.txt before the pipe symbol in the bcp demo

Exercise 1 Task 2 in the labs should be a xlsx file not csv