Monday, April 25, 2011

Writing programmatically to the web.config file

SharePoint 2010 has a change that requires the following PowerShell:

$cs = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebService]::ContentService

$cs.RemoteAdministratorAccessDenied = $false


OnTaskCreated not firing in loop

This bug with OnTaskCreated still exists

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Errata MOC 10175 SharePoint Dev

1. Lab 13 is gets message office not activated. Workaround to copy theme file from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Document Themes 14 or run ospprearm from Office 2010 directory

2. Page 4-46 Lab 4, should delete the where clause.

3. Careful with timing in lab 2 page 2-53, allow the timer job time to run at each step, otherwise you will get errors.

4.Page 5-39 Lab 5, unfortunately has access denied problems changing the web config file, Lab works as stated, as long as the students do not look in the web config file to see if it really changed! Fix is this Powershell:

$cs = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebService]::ContentService

$cs.RemoteAdministratorAccessDenied = $false


5. Page 5-41 needs to add the references as well as just the using statements, but the students should be able to work that out.

6. Page 10-34 needs also a test for .jpeg files to make it harmonize with the page 10-32 test.

7. Page 10-34 needs to add to create a new page called training.

8. Page 12-24 has the students typing in unneccessary xml to link to a taxonomyreporter page that does not exist.

9. Page 1-28 Best practice would have been to store value of CatchAccessDeniedException and set it back afterward to its original value, but not to false again at the end of the try code.

10. The manuals have bad spacing in Lab 6, use the lab instructions at the back of the manual instead.

11. The manuals also have wrong spacing in Lab 2 PowerShell commands.

12. Solution file for Lab 9 has a wrong elements.xml file.

13. Lab 2 does not update the content type for outcomes, so new item does not show the new fields. Quickest solution is to delete the content types section from the schema.xml.

REST is not handled, but would need to load down the ADO patch to get it to work on the vm.

A hotfix is needed if the host OS for this course is W2008 and not Windows 2008 R2. Hotfix 971677.

I would have liked some best practice double dot referencing on page 9-28, but I recommending talking the lab thru afterward to point this out.

Module 5 says that after events are asynchronous, but there is a new setting with SP2010, the SPEventReceiverDefinition that can set to SPEventReceiverSynchronization.Synchrononous, to make the after event sychronous.