Thursday, January 1, 2009

Tip: Misuse the virtual labs!

Have you ever had Commerce Server 2007 up and running on a virtual pc and then wondered if a setting was correct? Or, you need to explain the BizTalk connectors, but don't have the time to install Biztalk as well on your machine? Or just want do show something about the CSharp site. The virtual labs for Commerce Server 2007 are a great help. Unfortunately they do not have the Starter Site installed, but you remember how much later the Starter Site came. Don't forget, you are essentially using terminal services to connect to a virtual machine, you can basically do anything you like, it will be all discarded when the virtual machine changes are discarded at the end of your lab session. There is no reason to stick to the lab guide. Don't be put off by the registration, you are up and into the virtual machine quicker than you can say: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Profiles.UpmMembershipProvider...

Lab1: Connected Commerce is the BizTalk one. Basically the lab consists of settting up a send port to import a catalog into Commerce Server. Most people with a knowledge of Biztalk say Aha! when they see the dropdown for Commerce Server Catalog in the Port type. (Non-Biztalk people will say nothing during entire lab)

Lab 2: Customizability and Extensibility Adding an audit trail to the Catalog using stored procedures and Visual Studio.

Lab 3: Profile Integration and extension This is a good teaching lab. Adds Dot.Net authentication to Commerce Server and then adds an extra column to the UserObject table. Those who know ASP 2.0 will find the first part trivial, those who know CS 2002 will find the second part trivial, but if you know everything why are you taking a lab?